Report Generator (GED) - PicWin IRIS

Documentation, Printing, Webpage creation (HTML) with IRIS.

see also: Automatic Reports (AutoReport-Window)


Purporse of GED (General EDitor)

GED has been designed to create reports quickly and automatically. You can add comfortably thermla images, additive texts. Small changes can be done without the need to start an external, huge software package. Especially for repetetive jobs the combination of auto-reports and the GED is really nice.

Please dont believe that GED would be a full replacement for Winword or a good HTML Editor. If you want to write larger portions of text, or if you want to create documents with high quality, then we still recommend additional helper applications. However the HTML reports creates by IRIS can be a good template for other apps.

Interaction of components:

GED could be run andtreated also as a stand alone application. But its performance becomes best in interaction with the other IRI windows:
The AutoReport window creates new docs and shows them instantly with the GED. (A management for templates is integarted into the AutoReport window). It offers functions to axpand the currently shown GED report. You can add images from ThImage, Imnage, entire films but also text and formatting elements to a report.
Whenever images are added to a report, then the image base is involved: ALl images are first loaded to the image base before they are routed to the report. It is also possible to add data from the database to a report.
The functions of the AutoReport (and partially the GED) can be programmed within macros. This permits to create even complex reports easily. Report templates can be linked with automatically running macros.

Formats und data structures

The GED creates always HTML files. This type of document is universally available, not burdened with third party rights, can be displayed with every computer and is suitable for further publication on the Internet without any changes. A lot of helper applications exists for editing, printing, manipulating HTML. There are also enough converters available to translate HTML to other formats (winword-docs, adobe-pdf,...).
IRIS creates all images whicha re integarted into reports always as 24 bit windows bitmaps. This is memory and disk consuming but available on every computer without licenses or fees. This type of images can be also converterd easily to other formats. For embedding logos to a report you can also use PCX. JPEG images can be read and included as well.

Functions of GED

The GED has been developed fully by ourselves and is is no way linked to Windows specific libraries. So its operation and usage can be differently sometimes from other apps you are used to. Some 'very special' variants (options) of GED which are far away from usual Windows style can be activated on demand.
The currently implemented GED is not yet complete. Some important editor functions are not yet available - but we will integarte them now one by one.

Available standard funktions of GED:

Available editing functions

Specialities of GED

Display of special elements
The options dialog offers some settings which are explained here:

Token display Shows all HTML keywords (token) as text. This way you can easily see which formattings are used - and where they are.
Format display Shows line breaks, end of paragraph, empty table borders and the page borders.
Text-Block display Shows which parts of a text are belonging together.
Spaces Shows a centered dot instead of a space. This makes determination possible between true spaces and typografic effects (kerning)
Use line cursor Instead the block cursor - which frames an entire character - a line cursor is shown at the inserting position
Use WYSIWYG The display follows the typography as it appears on a printer. There are always small differences between screen display and printed layout (due to resolution differences). So this option activates usage of the distances as they are used for the printer for character and word spacing. This view results sometimes in strange effects. And for docs which are not destined to be printed it is always better to deactivate this option. CAUTION: De/Activating this option results in new calculation of the wrapping!
Wrapping (automatic wrap): The automatic wrappi g of text can be witched off, limite to the actual window size (online view), set specifically (pixel) or to DIN-A4 or matching the connected printer.
Using the Zoom 'A4' activates always also the wrapping to A4!

Optiones for printing:

Use printer for A4: If this option is activated then the Zoom A4 uses always the settings of the actual printer instead of the default settings for A4.
Derfault page size: Definition of the 'usual size' for an A4 page (universal for all printers)
page borders: Settbale in millimeters (mm) - only valid while printing.

Special functions for the keyboard

For effiency in editing software has usually keyboard shortcuts for professional users. Here the list of the currently implemented keyboard shortcuts:

Shift+Enter: Line feede (<br>) instead of a new paragraph
Strg+Enter: Insert page feed
Strg+U: Underline on/off
Strg+K: Italic on/off
Strg+B: Bold on(off
Strg+T: Token display on/off
Strg+D: Format+Spaces display on/off (D:display)
Strg+O: Show Options (View) Dialog

Fonts (Character Sets)

HTML permits to specify all kinds of exotic fonts. But if you want to hand your reports over to other persons then you should restrict yourself to the 'basic' fonts. You can specifiy whatever you want for display and printing on your own computer. But we recoomend to restrict fonts to the necessary differentiation. Else you'll get just more problems:
With View -> Font Options you can specify the fonts GED uses for display and printing. Usually there is no need to modify them.

default - 12 - Times New Roman font used for for all texts which are not especially formatted. This is usually a proportial font with variable character cell width).
fixed - 12 - Courier New font for all texts which require the same character distance (monospace). These are all texts where spaces and line feeds are important)
H1..H6 - 36..10 - Arial fonts for titles (headlines, headers) in 6 levels.
token - 12 - Arial font for the display of the HTML tokens which are usually inisible but control the view and layout of the document.

Size of charatcers on the printer:

GED is not based on millimeters or inches, but on pixels. So the size '12' is not '12' as used in typography. Instead a '12 point' font is shown the same way other apps are showing it on the screen. On the printer the font will have the same size (or a bit smaller) as on the screen - in relation to other grafics or delimiting lines (tables). But because we are specifying the format of the printed output by pixels a '12 point font' will be almost not 12 points (12/72 inches)!
If the font on the printed document is too small then you can redfine it whenever you want. A chnage of the font size in the options dialog will instantly reformat the entire document. If you dont store the new settings then IRIS will use the previous settings for the next start. Future versions of IRIS might contain 'profiles' into which you can store some basic settings (and also the fonts) fore each task., Perhaps this setting would be also possible by macro.

About screen pixels, printer pixels, inch and millimeter

You always had the opinion that a computer should care about these things and not bother you? Basically you are right and GED does its very best to keep those tehcnical details hidden from you. But if the result of the display on the screen and the printed sheet of paper does not look like you want it, then you should know what's behind and how you can yet the best out of it - and not just what your computer wants to do right now.
If you are not interested in a more detailled view inside the facts and if you are satisfied with your screen and printer output then you can skip the following paragraphs.

Basics: Scaling images.

Whenever you inport an image (thermal image) into a document then you expect (of course) that every pixel of the image looks like a pixel on the screen. But as soon as you are using any 'zoom' function you will see that thigns are not as easy as they seem to be: A zoom of 200% is still easy to do: Every pixel becomes 4 pixels. But at 150% life becomes difficult for a computer: He does what he can do easily: Every second picel is doubled. This looks already bad. If you are using 50% then every second pixel row and line is lost! Thin lines are hidden entirely and letters within grafics become unreadable. We won't discuss 75%, 66% or 133% or even 437%. It always looks very catastrophally!
And now we (the programmers) are having another challenge: You also want to print a page! But your printer is having another different opinion about a pixel. And the printer is calculating with '300 dpi' or '360 dp'. dpi means: 'Dot per Inch'. If you want to print an image which has 100x100 pixels then it is a good question how the printer should print this. Of course we could use 'odd' Magnifications. Then the output looks as strange as odd zooms on the computer screen. Or we (you and I) agree that the printer will use only evenb zooms (200%, 300%,400%). Then the image looks perfect.
Unfortunately this has a sideeffect: Your document is fixed for using exactly one printer. And if you are using a different printer - or your customers try to print a page but with a different printer, then you'll have the same uncomfortable effects. Ans we - the software manufacturers - cannot predict what printers you will use. So we can implement only 'default settings' which are 'matching almost'.

Basics: Scaling fonts:

Scaling fonts is (btw) far worse than scaling images: Despite of modern compuzter technlogy fonts cannot be transformed to any wanted size until today. If you are using a zoom of 386.6% then the font might be scaled only uip to 250%. In such cases it will happen that the position of words does not match properly - and the transitions to attributes (underline, bold, larger font) are not matching properly the screen. You can watch this effect especially if a text is positioned on top or bottom of an image. Or withi the distance and size of texts to each others or to delimiting lines as tables.
'Usual' text processing software tries to 'fit something' - And in many cases (as well for IRIS) the WYSIWYG looks a bit strange then. But serious design and layout programs for highest quality are (and must be) respecting also the output medium. and dont permit a user to setup everythign thy want (353%) but just those settings which are technically possible and are then looking well. IRIS - as a low level page design tool - tries a middle course. And we hope that the results are fitting your needs.

Application: Printing documents - Page Setup

If you want to print a document with GED then you'll activate the zoom 'A4' or 'Printer'. IRIS is then using the corresponding pixel values from the option settings to scale the document to A4 or your printer. For 'A4' we assume that practically every printer can use 300dpi or 360dpi - and can print at least 700 pixels in color per line. Because such printers are usually printing 2500-3000 pixels per line IRIS will use automatically a zoom of 300% or 400% for printing. This looks properly on the page. (600+720 dpi printer will print with a zoom of 600%-800%).
IRIS will determine your printer instantly aftewr selection and mewasure the zoom it can use.
If your printer is exactly missing a zoom-limit (example) we could perhaps print with 397% then IRIS will still use only 300%. In such cases 25% of your page will stay unused! In such cases you could say: "OK, then the printer should print with 300% - but not ony 700 pixels bit 1000. Then I could palce three thermal images side by side". You can really do this. Either you are changing your default settings for an A4 page - or you let IRIS 'learn' your printer settings. With GED->File->Printer Setup IRIS will analyse your currentl printer and will propose what you can do. You can either set the printer zoom to an odd value (example: 397%) and be happy with the result. If the result is staifying then you can really use it. But you can also align the page-size (more pixels into X-direction) automatically by IRIS. Then 'more content' can be placed on your page.
In every case you should check how the text paragraphs are wrapped after changing the page settings. Every change of the page size will automatically recalculate - and wrap - the texts. And this might perhaps create "orphans" or "widow lines". (These are single lines on an elsewhere blank page).

Report Window - Elements und Layout


The report window is a normal child window of IRIS. You can easily include it into the window layouts for the 'winboxes'. So it is very simple to place the report window side-by-side to the ThImage windoe (for working with both windows simultanously) - or to show also the AutoReport window.

The elements:

Menu The usual menu line contains all tools for creating a normnal HTML page. Please keep in mind that HTML pages which are created here with File->New cannot be used for autoreport functions!
Upper Toolbar The horizontal toolbar below the menu has functions for manual editing, changing and formatting HTML. All buttons can be also found as functions in the menus.
Left Toolbar The vertical toolbar at the lefthand side of the GED has functions for manual creation of IRIS reports. Normally these tools would belong to the window AutoReport. But because there is no report visible it would help. So this toolbar has been also integarted into the GED.
All functions from this toolbar can be reached with the menus from the AutoReport window.
Statusline The status bar is located at the bottom of the GED window. The current Zoom, the page number and more messages are shown here.
Scrollbar In most cases an HTML page (or the entire doc) is too large for one screen. The scrollbars permit to move the visible section.
Outer border The outer border surrounds the actual document and is painted with dark gray color. Its size can be aligned in the View-Options. If its size is 20 or more than rules appear in the formastting or tokern display mode.
Page border The page border is the distance of the HTML text to the border of a sheet of page when the document is printed. The width of the page border display on the screen is not adapted automatically to this value but it is fixed. Its purpose oin the screen is only the optical separation between the text and the outer border.
Text area The text area - which shows the current report - is drawn with white background.

Report-Fenster: Description of all functions 'in detail'

    functions labelled with [#] can be also found in the toolbar. c+A means CTRL+A ort STRG+A as keyboard shortcut.
# New A blank page is displayed. The current report is removed from the memory (not the harddisk).
# Open An existing HTML file can be opened for viewing, editing or exptending it
# Save The current HTML document is stored.
  Save as The current HTML document is stored with a new name.
... (Internet) after save
The current HTML doc is stored to disk. The the default internet bowser is started and shows the document as it would appear on the Internet - or alike a custimer would see it if he recewives only the file(s).
# Print The current HTML doc is printed.
  Printer Setup The current printer is checked. Its parameters are from now on used for the display in WYSIWYG mode.
Bearbeiten Edit token The current HTML token under the cursor is shown in a dialog box as text and can be edited. This is almost used for changing the attributes of HTML tokens.
c+O Options (View) The dialog for view options appear. Details see below.
  Options (Fonts) The dialog for setting the current fonts is apepars. Details see below.
c+F Display Format The GED displayes all formatting elements of the page (in liught blue color). Details see below.
c+T Display HTML token The GED displays all tokens of the HTML code with yellow background. It takes some days to get familiar with this view - but it permits a very exact editing of formatting elements.
Tokens which are shown with red background are not interpreted by the GED.
# c+D Toggle Both option 'Display Format' and 'Display HTML' and acxtivated na deactivated. This toggle the level of details fore editing..
  One page GED display just one page.
  Two pages Two pages are shown side by side. This is helpful for setting page breaks manually. Editing can be done only in the eft page!
  All pages All HTML page sin this report are shown. This is nice for havign a quicky survey about the entire report (and its size).
# Zoom 100% Every pixel from images appear as one pixel on the screen. The text is scaaled appropriately.
  Zoom 200% Each pixel is doubled.
  Zoom 50% Every second poixel row/line is skipped.
# Zoom User The zoom is set to a free deinable 'user default value'. Depending on your taste and size of screen you can enter every zoom factor you like (we prefer 150%). This is also helpful because you can use the full width of the screen for editing and writing text.
# Zoom variable A dialog appears where you can easily select zooms from25% to 400%. You can also setz the User-Zoom value here.
  Zoom printer page The zoom is set to a value which display the entire printer width in the full GED window width. It is necessary to use File->Printer Setup prior this function. The parameters which are used for this function are located in the Options-View and can be manually adapted.
  Zoom A4
default page
The zoom is set to a value that a normal A4 page is shown in the GED window. The size of a 'normal A4 page' is located in the View-Options and can be chnaged there.
  Window right The GED window is repositioned and risized to match the right half of the IRIS main window.
This is useful for macro programming.
  Document top Shows the start of the document.
This is useful for macros if a report has been finished and should be bisplayed from the beginning.
  Document bottom Shows the end of the document.
This is nice for macros for continuous display how a report is growing.
  horizontal line A horizontal line is inserted into the report. (<HR>). Such lines are used for structuring HTML pages easily.
  Pagefeed A pagefeed is inserted (<pagefeed>). Unfortunately this is not an HTML standard token but necessary for strcutured reports. Later versions of the GED will create single HTML pages for each pagefeed.
# Table A table is inserted at the current cursor position.
The amount of rows and columns and the width of the frame áre entered into a dialog.
# List A list (enumeration) is inserted.
The list is extended automatically during editing. So no counter is required.
  Image from disk You can load an image from harddisk (through the Image Window) which is imported into the report.
This function is mainly used for importing logos.
After execution the formatting dialog appears where the zoom and size of the image can be set.
  Image from Image Window The current image from the Image Window is imported.
c+E HTML Token And HTML token can be instered into the report. This can be 'known' token - or 'unknown tokens'. GED is ignoring unknown tokens and shows them on request with red background.
Format   These options are changing the display of text.
If a textblock has been currently marked with the mouse or keyboard then only this block is changed.
If NO BLOCK is defined the just an HTML token is instered which starts to use this style (<u> for underline).
If the style is already active at the current cursor position then the style is finished (</u> for end of underline is inserted)
# c+U underline text is underline
# c+K italic text is displayed italic
# c+B bold text is displayed bold.
# smaller text is shown smaller by one degree (standard: 3, smaller: 4,5)
# larger text is shown largher by one degree (standard:3, larger: 1,2)
  performatted The proportional font is ist.
This permits to write exact tables because every character has the same width. (The default charset has variable width).
  Paragraph A paragraph token is inserted (<p>).
  Headline 1..6 text is shown as a title (headline) of level 1..6 (1 is largest)

View Options

The view options appear in one large dialog. You can change the settings temporaryly with [OK] or store them to disk for next reboot with [save].

Show tokens View -> Show HTML token
Show format View -> Show format
Show text blocks Shows text blocks with frames.
Show spaces Display spaces inside HTML text as a centered dot
Line cursor Uses the line cursor instead of the block cursor
Use WYSIWYG The distances between characters and words are matching the printers magnification. This looks somehow strange but is more realistic if you want to seee how documents are printed later.
Activate marking areas Marking an area with a mouse is no longer textflow and line oriented but rectangle oriented. This way you could later delete or modify texts based on columns.
Off No wrapping for text and graphics.
Window wrapping is done at the GED window border
Pixel wrapping is done at a specified amount of pixels. This permits to preview and HTML pages at specified screen widths (800,1024,1280,1600 pixels)
A4 Page The sepcified A4 size is used for wrapping. Good for formatting pages destined for printing without knowing the printer in advance.
Printer The specified parameters for the printer are used for wrapping. Good for A5, A3, Letter and othert special formats.
% Size of GED right The horizontal size of the GED after Ansicht -> Window right
Scroll speed If the mouse leaves the window while you are marking an area to the left,right,top or bottom, then GED is scrollling automatically. This setting determines The spped of this scroll.
Draw border Changes the size of the dark grey dreaw boder in the GED window. At 20 or more pixels rulers appear.
Page border Changes the size of the light gray page border.
Use DIB (Halftone) Some printers (drivers) require DIB (device intependent bitmaps) for printing grafics properly in color or halftone.
Page Borders The value of the distance between page border and the printed text on a paper. The borders to the right and bottom are calculated from the printer paramaters (see below).
Printer Page  
Pixels-X The amount of grafic pixels which will be printed in X-direction. Depends on the used/connected printer and is automatically calcuated with File->Printer Setup. Can be also manipulated manually
Pixels-Y same in vertical direction.
These settings are used for Zoom-Printer and Wrapping-Printer.
Mag% Magnification from the image pixels to printer pixels.
Zoom% sould be identical to Mag%
Font% Magnification of text pixels to printer pixels.
Should be identical to zoom% - but can be changed to create other layouts.
Default page size (A4) Specifies the default pixels for an A4 page. Herewidth you can create a layout which will match different printers later. This data is used for ZOom-A4 and Wrapping-A4.

Charset options (fonts)

GED uses different charsets (fonts) for displaying and printing HTML pages. If you dont like our defualts then you can change them anytime.

The Size value is based on the 'point' size of a charset as specified typogrfically for printers. You should not use odd values (9,11,17). Normal value for documents 12 12, smallest readable text would be 10.

The Name muss correspond to the name of a charset which is installed on your system. Our default names are existing on every Windows PC since Win-95.
Caution: You can use only "True Type" charsets!

token Charset for HTML tokens. Should have the same size as default.
default Charset for normal text. Is usally a proportional font with variable width for each character.
fixed Charset for 'preformatted' text. This should be a charset with fixed character cell size (monospace, Courier New)
H1 Charset for headlines (titles) of the degreee 1. 1 is the largest headline. Usually sans serif 'Arial' font.
..H6 Charset for headlines (titles) of the degreee 6. 6 is the smallest headline.

Display of formatting elements

Formatting a text always requires formatting elements. Many editor programs are 'hiding' these elements from the user. This is good for newbies who are not formatting or using just some few styles. But this is difficult for professionals who are combining style elements or have special requirements.

Iris does this all in a special way: You can display just the 'plain text' but also the 'full HTML' and additionally the 'formatting elements'. Then you can easily see what is hidden and where. Here now a list of the formatting elements:

Text blocks A textblock are consecutive letters and spaces as long they are not seperated by formatting elements. Such text blocks can be labelled with a frame. A textblock appears in blue color while editing.
Spaces Spaces are usually invisible. This makes cursor positioning difficult - and for small fonts it is often hard to see whether a space is set or not. IRIS can display spaces as centrered blue dots. Please keep in mind that HTML does not support double spaces within normal text (normal paragraph)!
Ř Slashed zero - shows an empty text block (empty line)
Shows an enforced line break (<br>). This is NOT a paragraph!

Shows the end of a paragraph. The end of a paragraph results always in some vertical space to the next line!
Show start and end of a text style (underline, italic, bold, pre)
double arrow left - shows an automatic line break because the right border is reached.
Line with # number: shows a page feed. Enforced by <pagefeed> or automatically because a printer/A4 page is full.
