HTML Details

Background Information about HTML and the usage of HTML as reporting format


If you are using the reporting of IRIS for the very first time then you might wonder why we did implement HTML as reporting format. This seems to be astounding in a time where Microsoft dominates the market and WinWord is used everywhere. And this is more questionable because most other report software uses only WinWord. Here now a list of arguments which explains why we believe that HTML is the superior format:

Of course HTML does not have only advatages. We dont want to hide its problems. Here they are:

Report File Organisation

All reports are created by default wihtin the IRIS program directory - and there in a folder named 'reports (can be changed with AutoReport->Options->Directories).
Every report is stored into an own folder which contains the HTML file and all images (and WAV files).
The HTML file itself is always named index.htm. Later versions of IRIS will support page numbers (01.htm, 02.htm, ...)
The images created by IRIS are having always the filename: pic##.bmp - where ## stands for two digits. If more than 99 images are used then pic100.bmp is used. The image number counter is set to 'one' if a new report is created (also by using a template).

Template Organisation

It is strongly recommended to keep all templates wihtin an own application directory. Every template should have its own folder. Embedded images must (today) be loacted in the folder. The usage of relative paths is not supported.
It is possible to specify an own default path for the location of the templates (AutoReport->Options->Directories)

Example for specifying own paths

Path for own reports c:\th32.rep
Path for own templates c:\\templates

Selfmade empty report

IRIS creates at AutoReport->File->New (empty) an empty report with the below shown format.
If you want to create an own, empty report which contains for exmaple your logo or other elements - and if you dont want to use a template then you can do this:

If IRIS finds such a page, then it is used instead of the empty page. This is then then predefined 'empty' template.

HTML Detail Informationen

Das basic format of an empty, new file

If there is no 'default\default.htm' default template, then IRIS creates this basic HTML file:

<html> Begin of the HTML document
<head> Begin of the header lines which are not visible but for global information
<meta....> Content-Typ (text/html) und deutscher Zeichensatz (ISO-8859-1)
<meta....> Generator description (PicWin-IRIS)
(Is overwritten by other HTML editors without any respect)
<title> PicWin-IRIS Report </title> Titel of the report - Appears within the title bar of the Internet Explorers - not within the document
</head> End of the header lines
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> Begin of content - Background is set to white color
</body> End of the content
</html> End of the HTML document

This is nearly the smallest possible HTML file.

How and where IRIS is adding HTML text

Whenever the report generator adds something to a report then IRIS is scanning the text for </body> wihtin the HTML file. Then it inserts the necessary information in front of this 'end-token'. This assures that further information is always added at the end.

How IRIS adds images

Whenever an image is added then IRIS first writes a BMP file to the actual report folder:
The first image file has the name: pic01.bmp
Then the HTML file is extended (in front of the </body>) by this text:
<img src="pic01.bmp">

The line feed (line break)

A line fed has this format: <br>
Please keep in mind that there is no </br> gibt. Such an HTML instruction has neither begin nor end.

Format of a text line

<p> This is a text </p>

Format of date and time

10.12.2002 - 14:23:59

Simple headlines (titles):

For inserting a title please use the 'Add HTML' command: You can use titles in six levels from 'very large' (1) to 'very small' (6). Here two examples:

<h1> Title level 1 </h1>

<h3> Title level 3 </h3>

Please notice that everey <h1> - which starts a title - must be followed later by a </h1> - which ends the title.
If you forget the </h1> (with the slash) then the entire following text is also shown as a title. This is specified in the HTML rules.ML-Regel.

Dividing rules (horizontal)

A long horizontal dividing rule can be created easily with the HTML command: <hr>
There is no 'end' - an </hr> does not exist!


Numerations are created with these elements:: <ul> </ul> (ul: unsorted list)
These are the HTML tokens for an 'unsorted list' Each element in such a list is embedded into: <li> ... </li> (li: list item). A list with the words "one two three" has this format:

  <li> one </li>
  <li> two </li>
  <li> three </li>


Creating tables requires more HTML tokens than most other HTML commands. It is also possible to create tables within tables, but this makes things just more complicated. The creation of table should done ONLY with the macro recorder.

Exmaple for a table

<table>     Begin of table
  <tr>   Begin of a row (tr = Table Row)
    <td> Begin of the first column
    Text1 Text shown in the first colum
    </td> End of first column
    <td> Begin of second column
    Text2 Text shown in the second column
    </td> End of the second column
  </tr>   End of the first row
  <tr>   Begin of the second row
    <td> ..
    Text Just one column here. So its width is the entire table
    <td> ..
  </tr>   End of second row
</table>     End of table

Character formatting

There are many instructions to change the appearance of texts. Fonts (charactersets), size, color, background.... HTML has many options. But we discourage excessive use of formatting. Often special fonts cannot be shown correctly on othr computers (even with the same installed software). You should restrict yourself to the basic formatting: Itlaic text, bold text, underlined text, titles in 6 levels. Here the mostly used HTML tokens:

Italic <em> Italic style </em> Italic style
Bold <b> Bold text </b> Bold text
Underlines <u> Underlines text </u> Underlines Text
Header Level 1 <h1> Header Level 1 </h1>

Header 1

Header Level 6 <h6> Header Level 6 </h6>
Header 6
Bold (alternativly) <strong> Bold text </strong> Bold text


HTML does not define 'spages'. Whenever a page is too long, then it must be scrolled on the screen. Unfortunately there is also no standard method available how page feeds are instered while printing to paper. If you need proper single pages then please start a new document (a new report).

Correct drivers and tools would start automatically a new page at <h1> Title 1 </h1>. But just few software does this.

The function AutoReport->Options->Pagefeed creates a new empty file 02.htm (03.htm, 04.htm) in the same report folder. This way it is possible to create also within a macro a few dozen pages automatically without letting them grow too large. This function does not reset the picture counter! It is currently not implemented to switch back to previous pages - or to print a bunch of such HTML pages. So this function can be recommended to hardcore macro programmers only today.

Adding images side-by-side

If two images are are added to the report then they are usually shown already side by side - as far as the page (or the window) is defined. Else we recommend to create a table which has many colunms as you want to have images in a row.

Further formatting

We could now discuss for weeks about HTML. But in the end it would become only more complicated. If you dont want to create 1000 pages ofd the same type then we recommend strongly to import all necessary images and data "as it is" simply into the report. Then you should use WinWord or a good HTML editor for further processing and/or formatting. It can be a neverending story to program such details yourself as a macro.

The Report-Generator and the Macro-Recorder

Nearly all commands for the report generator can be recorded with the macro recorder and repeated again and again quickly. This way it would be easy to create hundrds of reports! Just the default directories cannot be changed by the macro recorder
Newer IRIS versions should contain also demo macros (in the XAMP directory). These will demonstrate how to create table with measurementresults - or how to include images as tables.

!!! Caution !!!

IRIS does not show warnings if an existing report with an existing name is created again by the macro recorder!
We assume that you dont want overwrite warnings for dozens of files while a macro is running.n Dutzenden von Dateien erwünscht sind.

Special operations while a macro is running

The macro command Report - new (standard) creates always a report with the name 'standard'.
If you want to enter the name manually while the macro is running, then please use the asterisk '*' as name in the macro instruction:
Report - New (*) The macro will stop then and opens the file manager window. You can then enter the report name manually.

As well you can use the asterisk instead of a predefined name whenever you create a report from a template:
Report - New with template (name,c:\iris\reports\standard\1.htm) is then changed to: Report - New with template (*,c:\iris\reports\standard\1.htm).

Deleting and Managing reports

IRIS dos not offer functions fpr deleting or managing reports. Please delete reports with the Windows Explorer by deleting simply the entire folder which contains the report.

For managing HTML reports exists a large number of freeware and shareware. As soon as we are more experienced with such tools we will give you further tips.
